Val made this special baby quilt in an unusual but very effective grey/white colour scheme. It is for a forthcoming new addition to her family.
All the animal motifs were beautifully hand stitched, which can be seen in the close up pictures, below.
Marg M made this lovely period doll, in such a chic outfit, who is patiently waiting for a face and name, watch this space.
Cilla sandwiched this super alphabet quilt which will be a great game finding the characters to match the letters.
Marg M has made 2 beautiful cushions ready for the tombola at our exhibition next year.
Another lovely one from Maria with hearts.
After one of our members had a very sad bereavement in her family we have started, once again, to make syringe driver bags to be donated in memory.

It is essential to choose fabrics which will be suitable for male patients as well as the pretty ones for the women.We've had a great response so far with around 20 coming in at the last meeting.
Anyone who would like to make these helpful bags for any local hospice or hospital oncology unit will find full instructions for making and donating them on the side bar of this blog via the "Making for Charity" button.
Each meeting it is a great opportunity to share magazines, another part of the group's generosity.
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